
Picture of Miguel Ángel Pollino

Miguel Ángel Pollino

Coordinator of LegalSpain Agency

There are various ways to access Spanish universities, but almost all of them involve processing documentation and taking exams with UNEDasiss. Knowing their processes, calendar and formats is necessary to have options to access Spanish universities without any errors or problems, hence its importance.

What is UNEDasiss?

It is the entity that manages the UNED (National University of Distance Education) for process access to Spanish public universities and part of private universities for international students.


What is UNEDasiss accreditation?

It is a digital certificate which allows students with non-Spanish studies to participate in the access processes to Spanish universities. When the application is granted, it is available to the universities so that they can evaluate the qualifications and other requirements.


What is UNEDasiss PCE?

The exams that the UNED does to check the level of candidates to enter Spanish universities are called Specific Competence Tests (PCE). These tests require an application to take them, and preparation is required to obtain a good grade.


What are the UNEDasiss exams like?

The PCE exams are of a medium-high level. They are very similar to the Selectividad exams that Spanish high school students take at similar dates. You can see PCE previous and solved exams with our partner PCE School.


When are the UNEDasiss exams?

There are two calls for applications each year, the ordinary call being in May in Spain and June in the rest of the countries. The extraordinary call is at the beginning of September.


How can I register for the exams?

Registration for the exams takes place in two periods. The registration period for the ordinary session runs from the end of February to the beginning of May, and in July for the extraordinary session.


UNEDasiss Headquarters

The PCE exams can be taken in many countries, avoiding the student having to travel to Spain to take them. This is a huge advantage, as it saves money and time. The UNEDasiss examination centres around the world are:

  • BATA (Equatorial Guinea)
  • BERLIN (Germany)
  • BERN (Switzerland)
  • BOGOTA (Colombia)
  • BRUSSELS (Belgium)
  • Buenos Aires (Argentina)
  • CARACAS (Venezuela)
  • FRANKFURT (Germany)
  • LIMA (Peru)
  • LISBON (Portugal)
  • LONDON (United Kingdom)
  • MALABO (Equatorial Guinea)
  • MEXICO CITY (DF) (Mexico)
  • MOSCOW (Russia)
  • MUNICH (Germany)
  • NEW YORK (United States of America)
  • OPORTO (Portugal)
  • Paris France)
  • QUITO (Ecuador)
  • RABAT (Morocco)
  • Rome Italy)
  • Santiago de Chile (Chile)
  • SAO PAULO (Brazil)
  • SEATTLE (United States of America)


UNEDasiss contact and phone number

  • Address: C/ Juan del Rosal,14. 28040-Madrid (Spain)
  • Phone: +34 91 398 6612 (Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 18:00. Friday from 9:00 to 14:00)
  • Email: unedasiss@adm.uned.es 


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